Same Computer / Connection Guidelines, out of game trading and unfair receipt.

You are only allowed to play one account at Mech Crusaders even if there are no trades, battles or interaction between them. This game has limited server resources; it's unfair to take up them by playing more than one account.

Two or more people are permitted to play from the same computer, but each account must be owned and played by a separate person and any unbalanced trading between the accounts should be avoided. Loans or gifts from higher players to lower players are generally not a problem. If a lower account is 'feeding' a larger account, then it will appear to be cheating and treated as such.

In some circumstances, you may be contacted by an ACT member regarding trades you make. This is not an accusation, they are merely doing their job to ensure the fair play of all. Please respond answering their questions as best you can in a polite and courteous manner.

Receipt of currency or items in the game from new accounts for no fair return in-game payment, whether you signed them up yourself or not, is unfair gain of currency, and you should not accept it. If you receive unfair funds from a new account, transfer them on to a manager immediately.

Buying or selling game currency or items with out-of-game funds or services is normally acceptable within reasonable bounds. New accounts signed up for the purpose of sending currency and items to someone for out-of-game payment are not acceptable.